Sunday, August 2, 2009


...we all have them...we all deal with them...and yet... sometimes...we just go duh and forget how to handle them...I have...and we will continue to do it until we die...
...sometimes they are tests sent by God to see how we will react...and to see how soon it takes us to lean on Him...
...sometimes they are from the Devil trying to take the daily joy out of our lives and make us crabby to everyone God wants us to love...
...but no matter where it comes can destroy so much...and it can settle in and make itself at home...and thrive in us if we let it...
...our souls are like sponges that soak up anything around us...I have a couple friends right now who have soaked up too much sorrow... makes them hard to find the joy in every day things...they worry so much about what's going to happen next...
...what my mom told me to do was pray for my "enemies"...let go of the sorrow and give it to Christ...lay it all at the cross and walk away... sun flowers cannot live in the shadows...
...step into the light...turn your face up...towards the Son...feel him in all his Joy...surround yourself in that...restore your soul...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!