Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Prayer requests...

I sent one out last night in emails to friends and family everywhere and I have received back even more, so while you are praying for my dad, could you please add these to your list?
One friend has a father who had to undergo another heart surgery to replace a pace maker and defibrillator and is in the hospital now.
Another has a grandmother with cancer in the lungs and head.
If you could, keep them all in your heart and whispers in the next fews days and weeks and remember the family members dealing with each issue.
I also wanted to give you an update on the little girl who was hit in the eye with a BB. She went in on Monday and they tested her vision- 20/25. They didn't think it was at all possible so they retested her- and even a third time. Don't you love it when a miracle happens that baffles the doctors???

Thank you fpr your time and prayers and have a great day....don't waste a moment...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!