After lunch:

we had to finish cleaning up...
but the bed here looks so much better...
I have 2 buckets of iris to give away tonight...
this is the new day lily Nova brought...
and this one too...
Bebe was jealous of the I had to take his picture, too...
bought this today off of my junk shoppe blog...Nova was selling it... then I took it apart...
and painted the frame and put some vintage advertising cards in it and an old postcard...wallpaper that looks like ceiling tile...and we fixed the fresh bean greens...Steve is working late Craig and I ate...and that's about it...have a good night...

Another busy morning:

started early before the sun got too hot...
Bebe had to walk around...
Steve started digging these last night and filled the those planted and will do a hopper load a night till be get these thinned out...
new bench...Steve liked it...Rebecca liked it...she is having her dad look for me another broken swing... favorite one...
more mums...same plant...

they are so pretty...
blue salvia...
overgrown iris bed out front...
start with this after you dig them up...
clean them up and cut them in an upside down v...
pink tiger lilies...
clean up the bed and lay brick along the side walk to contain the iris and make it look nice...
stick them back in...along with some blue twice blooming iris Nova brought me this about perfect timing...and some different day lilies...I sent her home with iris and my double orange day lilies...and then some iris for her daughter, Cindy, who is just a hoot...then it was time for lunch and blogging and we have to shampoo the living room cook the green beans off...have a great day...