Monday, February 8, 2010

Another weekend sorting...

My father-in-law kept everything...and I mean we have been sorting and sorting...Steve went in Saturday and Sunday both...Ben went in Saturday and picked out several things he could use...Craig met Tiffany there last night after she got off of work...she needed dishes...those we had gave him for Christmas many years ago...and then one year I got him new kitchen and bath towels...those are here now...what's left of them...
I sorted yesterday and just got done right before Steve brought in another load...I had to dump the shredder can twice...old checks...taxes from 20 years ago...old credit cards...
I think we're up to 10 pocket knives now...even found dog repellent...must have used that when he walked all the time...
I cannot find the original will...we have 2 copies...but no original...the lawyer wants it to file at the courthouse...he will have to do it with a copy...
Craig got all the photos out of all the picture frames and we condensed it down into one notebook in page protectors...we had an extra can for the trashman here...Steve toted out 15 bags to the dumpster at the apartment in the last 2 weeks...
Hopefully, the apartment part will be done soon...our friend, Kyle is going to haul the big stuff here in a couple weeks with his trailer...
He knows people who need furniture...there is always someone in need...and if they can use it...then we recycled it...and that's good for everyone...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!