Saturday, April 24, 2010

Its going to be another rainy day in our area...
probably a good morning to sleep in...
but I'm not...
Steve was up once but went back to bed...
do I dare run the vacuum this early???
maybe not...
its still dark out...
made a couple more collages...
can't make anymore hang tags...
the glue stick went dry late last night...
I could call Rebecca...
I'm sure her Maggie has already gotten her up...
Maggie is a one of a kind little dog...
and she can't tell time...
but just in case Maggie did let her sleep...
I would hate to be the one to mess that up...
so maybe not...
by the time the guys get up...
it will be nap time...
woe is me...
so early in the morning...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!