Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It was cloudy to begin with...

the azaleas are blooming...
bean green progress report...we're not pickin' yet...
Steve's new toy...we need the push mower to trim in and around the fence and flower beds...
I originally left enough space for the rider to get in there...but things happen...
and the beds started know how it is...
the peonies are doing great...
the sun is trying to peek through...its having a hard time...
we weren't supposed to have thunderstorms until tomorrow...
but guess what?...
once again the weather man missed...
I guess mother nature is just another woman men don't seem to understand...
when the rain comes your way...
hang out with the rainbow...


  1. It's cloudy here too. Must go outside and transplant my volunteers. Perfect conditions.
    thanks for showing your garden. Always love gardens - one of God's gracious gift to us! BTW - I call my husband's tools his toys too! :)

  2. Thanks for stopping's always nice to hear from new people!
    Have a great day!- Teresa


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!