Monday, May 24, 2010

Mini garden tour....

the swing was my birthday gift from Rebecca last year and the cushion is from Steve for mother's day this year...
hydrangea and ferns...
the ferns were from my mother's house in Charleston many years ago...
this is the mother's garden...its where they can have a peaceful place to watch over us from...
the glider that doesn't glide that I bought off of Rebecca this spring...have the primer...on the to do list...
we have humming birds and butterflies now...they come for all the columbine...
they like red...
this is next on the list to little knock out rose bush is blooming...and we put a few of the big purple iris in here last year and they bloomed...
things are sure looking better in the side gardens...this is our second spring after the great flood that almost wiped out everything here...
but its coming together nicely...
bean greens, bean greens!...can't you just taste them already?...
I can't wait...gave the rest of my seed to Kyle, but he hasn't got them planted yet...
tree tops...
isn't it pretty?...
the gardens are always a work in progress...but I think we are getting there...things seem to happen without very much help from us...and its worth all the hard work that's gone into them...
I just can't believe all the cool things that God makes...His designs are simply awesome...and we are blessed to be surrounded by it all...
take a moment and dwell in His presence the next time you take a walk in your gardens...
He whispers between the blooms...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!