Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Johnny Depp woes...

Well...we haven't seen Alice in Wonderland yet...
my friend and I are totally inept with all the new electronics...
so...ok...we're old...
it happens...
and the movie was in Bluray...
needless to say it won't play... will be this weekend before another trip to our friendly neighborhood Wallyworld can happen...
we live in the boonies...
far away from Wallyworld...
Mickey D's...
and all the normal culture most enjoy in their own backyard...
it's a 30 minute drive through cornfields and forging rivers...
of course they built a bridge...but that's not the point...
and we are an hour away from Hobby Lobby...
Red Lobster...
but hey...we have a Casey's!...
there are no neon lights...we have lightening season...
there are no bars...seriously...we are a dry town...
but we have a swimming pool...
a golf course...9 get in 18 you have to go around again...
a lumber yard...
tractor sales and service...
a grocery store...
a car wash and a laundry mat...
and we even have a on Tuesday afternoons...
we have our own school...k-12 even...
my son's graduating class totalled a whole whopping 34...
we have a grain elevator...
a couple gas stations...
we have stop signs...but no traffic lights...
we do have cops but only one squad car...
they take turns...
they patrol from 6pm-1am...
there is a cemetery...and several parks...
there's a tennis court...but it's not been used in years...
and we have horse shoe pits...
there is one baseball diamond...
and a football field...
there are several brick streets left...
a square up town...
we do have our very own post office...
but no in town delivery...
we all have post office boxes...
that's where you go to find out what's going on...
so my review of the "new" Johnny Depp movie will have to wait...
we will have to pack a lunch for the long journey and make sure we fill the tank before we go...
by then it might be on the Disney Channel...
sorry for the delay...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!