Sunday, July 18, 2010

another rescue...

the neighbor's took this one in, too...
but I did a mini photo shoot before they got here...
we gave them some fresh green beans to feed them along with the clover they give them and raw carrots...
they should be big enough to let lose again in no time...



  2. That's adorable. We have all manner of rabbits in the yard. Contrarian as it may seem, it'd be great if they multiplied and became a flock... as we always see them munching on the grass. It'd be nice to have a fleet of rabbits take care of the mowing.
    : )

  3. Did the cat bring you this one too?

    Maybe your cat is secretly into rescuing baby bunnies. Hum. . . . .

  4. Craig went out to make sure all the cats were in and found it in the yard, so he rescued it before the cats found it. Thankfully, most of our cats are not very quick witted. Last night, when he went out, all 5 cats had another one circled. When Craig walked up, the bunny jumped into Craig's arms! The neighbor called this morning and he is doing fine! I'm sending Craig out later to find the burrow. We think we know where it is now.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!