Friday, July 30, 2010


we had a mini car wash last night...
and the crud has been scrubbed off...
well, we still have the truck to go...
but it's progress...
I can't believe the car is 12 years old now...
time sure flies...
it still runs and the doors aren't falling off...
so it will be here a while longer...
the reason I picked it was because the back seat folds down...
and makes the trunk super sized...
including the back seat area...
and from the trunk you can haul lumber...
cause you never know what you are going to find rummaging!...
I have hauled so much back there...
and always carried bungee cords and a red flag for larger things...
because at the time the kids were still in school and I had to be practical...
we had to ride together so much...
Craig got his van this time last year...
it gets him to classes and back...
it's 17 years old...
out of 4 vehicles...
there isn't one car payment...
and that's a good thing...
now if we just didn't have to have insurance, tires and gas...
it would be a perfect world!...

1 comment:

  1. hahaha...I hear you about expenses that go along with owning vehicles. The plates cost a bundle now!! it's ridiculous, but what can you do?
    Had I known you were having a car wash, I would have driven my bug spattered car over.
    Have a great weekend!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!