Monday, July 26, 2010

It's a happy, happy day...

Mr Wiggles loves everything...
the life they lead...
it got down in the 60s last night...
there is some humidity...
but not like it has been...
I used to have so many of these...
but this is all that's left...
Resurrection lilies...
my brown eyed susans are back!...
I thought they died out in the flood 2 years ago...
the free tomatoes at the end of the selling season are doing great...
and the ice cream chairs are working out fine...
morning glories are blooming on the edge of the field...
and here is our first visitor of the day...
and dark tortie...
pretty baby...
then on to dead head the roses...
can you see the two different colors on this one?...
from the northern line...
and our second visitor...
fresh from getting her hair done...
she had to have surgery on her hind leg about 10 days ago and she is still limping a little...
and back home again...
jiggidy jig...
have a spunky Monday!...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, what a slice of heaven you have there. I love your photographs and your yard. So pretty.

    Hope you have a great Monday, too!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!