Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ryan Bruce update:

It has been 8 weeks now since the accident.  Ryan is in therapy now and is able to eat soft foods.  The doctors will take out the remaining rubber bands and wires in his jaws on Friday if things go ok.  Prayers are needed for continued improvement on his speech and other areas effected from brain damage.  Also for his spirit as he becomes more aware of the damage done by the wreck and his limited abilities right now.  He is working very hard to overcome daily struggles and is gaining strength.  He still has a long way to go.  Also remember his family who are by his side each step of the way.  Their faith has been tried by this event and they have come through triumphant, praising God and His love for them and their son the entire time.  Thank you for your prayers for Ryan and his family.

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!