Sunday, July 11, 2010

tending the rose bush...

my pinker knock out rose...
it was grafted with a pink and a red...
part of it is a dark pink...
the other part red...
my grandfather would have called this an oops rose...
he got into grafting roses in the 60s and came up with all sorts of colors...
the forsythia is really gaining out here...
one of the next projects...
I want to take it all apart and turn the windows the other way making it taller...
I also want the glass removed that is left in it...
and then paint it...
we painted on the loungers this morning and all we need to do is flip them and get the bottom side when they dry and they will be done...
then its on to paint something else...
and there is a list...
enjoy your Sunday...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!