Saturday, July 24, 2010

this was from last summer about this time...enjoy...

Sunday Favorites is a fun way to look back at some really fun posts...
click on the link to find more Sunday Favorites...

This was originally titled:

The now famous Mr Toadstool...

while Craig was watering...I snuck back to check on Mr Toadstool...poor boy is beginning to age...
then...out of no where...the Mad Hatter appeared...grabbed the camera and mumbled something about amateur photographers...and he got this shot...which isn't too bad...
and this one...before he shoved the camera back in my hands and disappeared into the corn field...he's evidently been following the blog...and wasn't too happy with what we have been he took matters into his own hands...I must say he was very rude...but the outcome was a couple of good photos...I know you won't believe a word of this and if I hadn't been in shock...standing there with my mouth wide open drawing flies...I would have sprung into action and snapped a few photos of his backside diving into the corn...maybe next time I will be more ready...just ask yourself what would you have done...I'll bet the fly thing, too...


  1. What a cute story, Tete! I am so enjoying getting to know you a bit from your blog. You have many and varied interests and that makes you the unique and creative spirit that you are!
    God bless, Beth

  2. Hello Tete...

    My friend, welcome to Sunday Favorites! I'm just elated that you joined in with our Sunday reposts party! I really enjoyed this post that you decided to share with us today! Wow...Mr. Toadstool is certainly a very large fellow! Loved your great photos too! I'm so curious as to how the Mad Hatter was able to photograh the underside of Mr. Toadstool??? Hmmm...maybe we'll never know! Hehe!

    Fabulous post, my friend! Thank you so much for sharing it with us today for Sunday Favorites! I sure do hope that you'll join us again!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. That is quite an amazing image-great capture!

    Best wishes and happy week,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!