Monday, August 16, 2010

it's a lovely afternoon...

the skies are blue and the sun is shining...
I'm beginning to think the hammock idea wasn't such a good idea...
Craig can't walk past it without hopping in it...
needless to say, not a whole lot got done today...
if we leave this, it will be a limb some day...
more shadows...
another bird house...
you can never have too many of these...
everyone was lazy this afternoon...
and here is my little basket that I use to fetch bloomers...
you should know what's coming next...
another photo shoot...
little blooms are important, too...
because a flower's a flower, no matter how small...

53F for a low tonight!...
opening the windows...
grabbing an extra blanket...
and keeping the allergy medicine close at hand...
have a fun evening...


  1. What a pretty post for today. I love flowers and yours are very nice. Think of me when you are enjoying that cool weather, as it is way above 100 here.

  2. Beautiful pictures, love the little blue bird house. Happy Blue Monday ;)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!