Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We finally had to turn the air back on...

we had the windows open for awhile...
it heated back up...
not so bad...
but I did get to sit outside a little bit longer today...
of course, I can't just sit there...
so here are some more playtime with camera photos...
I'm also trying to get used to the new photo editor...
it works fine if you copy the photos you want to use into another folder...
then download the whole folder at one time...
make sure you arrange the photos the way you want them in the folder first...
then it's pretty fast and easy...
but I do get tired of blogger changing things up just when I get used to something...
I need a french name for my cricket...
then Craig came back with the mail...
my class reunion photo was in there...
no, I'm not in there...
it's in Ohio and I'm in Illinois...
they had to do it without me...
not very many went this time...
we had a big, big class...
it was our 30 year class reunion...
and everyone is scattered all over the place now...
we do have a place on Facebook...
so that's almost like being there...


  1. Hey Tete ~ I guess if you had to turn your AC back on and shut the windows, that means by tomorrow I will have to be shutting My windows too..... I sure have Loved the Fresh Air coming in ~ Now it is always Warm in My place- I live in a small upper flat & have no control over the heat in the winter or the air in the summer... I have 3 ceiling fans & 3 other fans blowing at all times, in the summer it is about 90 up here, and the winter it is only about 62.... so now with the windows opened it is a mild 80 ~ still have the fans all going, but Love Not being closed in.... Love your Cricket guy, I like the name Ferdinand, Don't think it's French, but it popped into my head ~ Have a Great Week....
    be back tomorrow

  2. Hi Sweetpea!!!! LOVE,love, love all of your pics today. So pretty. It's warming back up here again...but I'll take it. Do not want winter yet!!!
    Our reunion is coming up in October...don't think I'm going tho. Don't see anyone now...ya know?
    Have a great evening my friend.

  3. Nice picture of your garden ….my favorite your Cricket.
    Love him…

  4. Hi Sweetie...
    Oh how I love your share today. I adore this sweet little cricket. What a precious little body and he fits right in to your beautiful garden of love.

    Everything looks so beautiful, and we too had some rain last evening. I was so grateful for a little free water for everything. It sure did need a good watering.

    Thank for the sharing sweetie. I so love it when take me Beyond the Garden Gate. It is truly breathtaking.

    Many hugs and so much love, Sherry


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!