Tuesday, August 10, 2010

White Wednesday...

Saturday, while working in the yard...
vintage ceiling tile...
I got  a special delivery...
early birthday gifts!...
netting, which I will use later when we get the deck on...
and this cute key holder...
I have a mission now to find 2 more....
and this picture frame, which is gorgeous!...
and I used to frame 3 of my photos from this summer....
all from Rebecca of Ella Mae's Barn Gathering and It's a Shabby Pink World...
my best friend...
Thank you so much!...
I love it all!...
and thanks for letting me have it early!...
(my birthday is a week away...)
Happy White Wednesday!...

for more whites, click on the link...


  1. hm. this is a meme I have not joined yet. I like your whsites. :)

  2. So pretty, the picture frame is lovely! Happy Birthday and happy WW!!!

  3. Lovely post, Tete! A very Happy Birthday to you..hope it's filled with much love..


  4. Hi Tete ~ Love your Whites, Especially the early BD Present.... (when is your B-Day?)
    Thanks for sharing, I always know I will EnJoy at least 1 post a day from You....

  5. Hope you enjoy your birthday! Great way to get started! Jacqueline


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!