Thursday, September 30, 2010

another goodbye...

who could ever forget Tony Curtis?...
he was my first major crush...
I think I was 4...
I so enjoyed his comedies...
he passed away last night...
at 85...
at home surrounded by his loved ones...
without ever winning an oscar...


  1. ~*Oh Im so sad..such a legend! And I agree with you..sooo handsome! God bless him and his family~* Rachel

  2. I had not seen that on the news yet, Tete. He was such a handsome man and I remember him from the movie The Boston Strangler and Houdini. I think he has quite a young child, if I remember correctly. That wonderful generation of actors is almost gone. I remember when Spencer Tracy died my father saying there would never be another like him. There will never be another Tony Curtis either. Hugs. Diana

  3. I flipped on the news this morning just as they were announcing his passing.

    All the great stars of my "era" passing makes me feel so sad and old...Also makes me wonder who my kids will mourn at my age?


    ...thanks for stoppping by OGM and what sweet words Rebecca had for you. :D

  4. Hi Tete ~ This is really sad news, just shows that We All grow Old.... I Love the good Old Movies, seem life was so much easier back then.... Hope your taking care of Yourself, I have never had a cold knock me down as hard as this one, but then again, maybe it wasn't just a cold ~ but glad I am feeling alot better ~ Now I will Keep You in My Thoughts & Prayers


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!