Thursday, September 30, 2010

beautiful day...

missie was waiting for me when I went out today...
did you know they kill humming birds?...
yep they do...
I still have some bloomers...
but we have a couple of 39 degree nights coming...
and soon this will be transformed for the winter months...
just waiting for the cushions to dry so we can store them away...
Doofus was watching me take pictures...
he also helps me blog...
a couple of the trees are full of seed pods...
ash trees are a hard, slow growing tree and so worth the time...
my uncles tumors are cancer...
it started in the lung...
so its had time to move...
and that's not good...
the doctors will know more on Monday...
he is in ICU tonight...
they will move him to a regular room tomorrow...
and hopefully by afternoon, he will get to go home...
thank you for all your prayers...


  1. Hi Tete,
    Wanna drop by to wish you a happy weekend and saw you mentioned your uncle. Please send my regards to him, we will pray for him. You too, take care.

  2. ~*~ Love your little Doofus!! So cute..Im so sorry to hear about your uncle~My aunt just found out this year she has stage 4 ovarian..stomach lining and colon cancer..heartbreaking~ My prayers are for your uncle~**~Hugs,Rachel

  3. Tete- I didn't know that about praying mantis- I never liked them anyway...

    I love your little Doofus. I bet he gets special treatment around your house. One more "boy" for you-lol

    I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle. Lung cancer is so invasive. I will keep the family in my prayers. Hugs-Diana

  4. Hi interesting about a bug eating a bird!!!
    I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle.
    Someone close to us was just diagnosed with pancreatic's been difficult.
    Hugs to you my friend.

  5. Hi your little doofus....and I'm so sorry about your uncle. My daughters mother-in-law is going through the exact same thing.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!