Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fair skies...

and cooler weather...
it must be fall trying to take it's place...
Dh didn't get home until 9PM last night...
I had a bad day yesterday...
and moving slow this morning...
and Craig left for classes...
and the phone hasn't rung for yet...
there is no noise except for me typing on the keyboard and a slight hum from the fridge...
waiting for my paint to come in the mail so I can start the fall and Halloween things...
I ordered some new colors...
when I did my inventory...
it was mainly colors that I use for Christmas...
this time last year, I had all my Halloween and fall stuff out...
but by Halloween...
I was so sick of it...
2 months is one month too many...
so as much as I would like to start in on it...
I am making myself wait until the first of October...
it will happen soon enough...
until then...
the end of summer will have to do...
have a fun filled day...
take a nap...
take a walk in the garden...


  1. Hope today is a better day for you, Tete! Perhaps you'll take your own good advice of a quiet read and a little nap. I'm tired myself today, so I think your suggestions are brilliant.

    Glad you liked the colour and texture in my castle was what appealed to me about the picure, too. There were so many weathered builings to photograph in England, I was in camera heaven!

    Take good care of yourself...:)


  2. Tete-I'm so sorry you had a bad day. Hopefully today is better for you. It is beautiful here...a nice cool breeze....just the right kind of September day. I hate when the house is quiet, but next time listen carefully and maybe you will here my good wishes coming your way!

  3. Hi Tete...
    I am sorry your having a bad day... Hopefully you took your advice and spent a day napping and gardening:-)
    Hugs to you..

  4. Tete, I hope you have a better day today. Take Care.

  5. Sorry you had a bad day, Tete, and I hope the ones that follow are better. Are you a crafter? It sounds like it, when you talked about checking your inventory and ordering things for Halloween. You are a talented lady! I can't wait to see the items you make!
    Blessings, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!