Tuesday, September 7, 2010

White Wednesday...

one simple white plastic rose of days gone by...
saved from who knows what for who knows why by my late mother in law...
nestled safe in this vintage glass candy jar that she also used to own...
my grandmother had a jar just like it many years ago...
and she had taken the plastic red rose off of a valentine box of chocolates that my grandfather had given her before I was born and placed it in the jar...
when she passed, I could not find the jar...
she had gotten rid of it, trying to make it easier on the family, so we didn't have to sort through so much "useless" stuff...
so, when I look at this jar now...
I remember my mother in law...
but also my grandfather's gift to my grandmother that she had kept for so many years...

Happy White Wednesday!
click here for more whites...


  1. What a lovely story. Beautiful photo.

  2. My mom used to have a covered jar just like that when I was little. She filled hers will potpourri. I will have to see if she still has it :) (I am sure she does, she saves Everything!!)Have a great night!

  3. Hi Tete,
    Such a pretty display and beautiful pictures...have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. What a lovely memento for your family.


  5. Hi Tete... A beautiful story, the rose looks so pretty in the light!

  6. Hi Tete...beautiful rose and story. So comforting to have memories like that!

  7. What a beautiful story! Thank you for posting it.

  8. Thank you for sharing about these two women in your life... your photos are lovely! :) mercedes


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!