Saturday, September 18, 2010

yesterday evening...

Craig and I went for a walk...
see the moon?..
and we sat at the end of the street, laughing and looking for corn cobs...
waiting for the sunset...
this is what's left after they pick...
and they will leave it like this until spring...
to hold the top soil...
and after chucking corn cobs at me...
someone got in my face...
a sure fire way to be blogged...
you can almost see forever now!...
and here is somewhere I have never been in my chair...
we had started down the sidewalk...
but it was way too bumpy...
so we went back and he just took me out in the road...
if you look real close...
there is a car coming...
I kept repeating "hurry up""...
we made it...
then we turned around and got this...
and when we got back...
the sun had turned my sedum an even more pink color...
it was awesome...
and then we had to get these out...
we didn't take a bag...
so we stuck them in behind me in the chair...
corn cobs are a reddish pink color and great to fall decorate with...
and they are free...
the weather man must have a drinking problem...
our forecast is for 94 on Tuesday...
doesn't he know the pumpkins will rot if this keeps up before Halloween?...
silly man...
I sure hope your weather man is an ice tea kind of guy...
Happy fall weekend!


  1. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    Oh how exciting for Craig to take you in your beautiful new chair Beyond the Garden Gate. I am so tickled for the freedom that it gives you. Now if we could only get a motorized one that you could drive yourself. Wouldn't that be grand? I will keep praying about that. For now Craig will do, thank you Craig for taking my precious Tete out for a stroll. I love that you all shared that beautiful sunset with me. It is simply gorgeous.

    Love those corn cobs and free for the taking. I think next time you better take a bag along. 3 just aren't enough. Oh how pretty they will be in assorted decor. They would be gorgeous in a wooden bowl on the table. Just for ambiance.

    I so love your sedum. it is exquisite in all its glory. It definitely says Fall to me.

    Oh thank you Tete and Craig for taking me Beyond the Garden Gate today. I have SO enjoyed myself. What splendor you have there.

    Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  2. Hi Tete-Your sedum is so beautiful, and so is the endless road ahead. It all looks so beautiful!

  3. Hi Tete,
    Don't you just love the way the sunset casts a pinkish glow on everything! Your sedum is gorgeous! Glad you were able to get out & enjoy such a pretty night! I grew up on a farm, which my Mom still lives on, so I have seen alot of corncobs in my day!! :) BTW, I didn't know they had chalkboard vinyl 20 years ago, I thought it was a new thing! Glad to hear it worked so well with you! I am definitely giving it a try, as the paint can be kind of temperamental! Have a great night!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!