Friday, October 8, 2010

Good morning, Ghoulies!

we have started the inside decorating...
and all we have is the mantel... 
there is so much house work to get caught up on...
my oldest was supposed to come and help this week and he never showed up...
so Craig and I spent the morning hunting things up to go here...
he went out and cut some dead things...
I tore apart flowers and stuck things here and there...
the phone kept ringing...
(I'll call you later, Jackie)...
my shopper BF was at Walgreens again...
2 more ghosties and 10 rubber bats coming this way...
she had been rummaging this morning...
you will have to check out her blog to see what all she got...
yeah, it's good...
I have a bag of crows around here somewhere that need to go out...
there are leaves here, too...
holy bat breath...
do you see what day it is?...
the 8th!...
I am so late...
so check back in later when we get the mantel done...
yeah, there's more...
have a bootiful fall day!...


  1. Looks Wonderful!! Put Rebecca's finds to great use!

  2. It all looks are doing a great job. I have my 2 grandsons for the weekend so I'm not getting ANYTHING done....there's always next week.

  3. AAAhhhahahahahahaha! LOVE what you've done on your mantle Tete!!! It's AWESOME!!! That holy bat breath line made me laugh right out loud!
    You crack me up!

  4. Looks bootiful! I love decorating for Fall, but with all the construction going on around here, I'm trying to restrain myself! Lezlee

  5. Hello, my name is Joanne from ... I just found your blog for the first time yesterday. It took me a while to find it again today but here I am. Your blog had a huge affect on me ... one I am still processing. I do not know right now the right words to convey it to you, but your blog was heaven sent for me at this time in my life as I am searching to make some big decisions. I can explain better at another time. What I do want to say is that you just being you has touched the life of a stranger in a very blessed way. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Joanne


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!