Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Praising Him, remembering her...

my mom is safe in His arms...
so no tears...
He took her home...
I have no pain... 
her trials are finished...
and He said well done...
and if I live the way I should...
like she taught me to do...
I will follow in His time...
it is not over...
she lives on...
and that was the end of my post...
but when I clicked publish...
I was double checking it for errors...
when I got to the bottom of the post...
there was my mom...
smiling at me...
I took the photo...
and then clicked in and out several times...
this was the only time the linky thing pulled up that post...
cool, huh?..
they love me and I know it...


  1. What a neat post-I love what you're doing to glorify God-and you're teaching others along the way!

  2. A beautiful tribute not only to your Mom but to your faith. Hugs- Diana

  3. Hi Tete~~ what a beautiful post! God bless you for your witness and testimony.
    Just one more thing I love about you.
    I've been sick for a few days...with working so much, I'm really worn down. Haven't posted in almost a week.
    Hugs to you.

  4. wow...that gave me chills that those pictures would show up at that moment. signs all around us that we are being watched over!

  5. Beautiful Tete & awesome that Your Mom's Smiling Face showed up.... She was Thinking about You ~ God's Riches Blessing to YOU Dear Friend~


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!