Monday, October 25, 2010

a rummage find...

as you remember....
I mentioned that my bf and designated shopper hit the mother lode last week for me...
I have a whole box and then some of "new" things to show off...
but I'm only allowed to do one a day...
bf said to make it last...
and to save the whites for white Wednesday...
so I don't run out!...
she calls...
this stuff is so you!...
I said, buy it...
she would describe something...
she and I are so good at this...
we know each other so well...
and we can picture what the other is talking about...
do you want that?...
yes, yes, yes...
the ladies in the background running the sale had the most contagious fit of the giggles just watching her shop for me...
oh, this is cool, it's so you, blah, blah, blah...
they had to help her carry it to her truck...
this piece is me...
rustic, tin, punched, candle holder, star...
everything I love...
so, girlies, there will be more later...
and no- she is still mine...


  1. ~*~Very cool Tete!! Cant wait to see more of your new treasures!! HUGS~ Rachel ;)~*~

  2. Love it! And my apologies to Mr. Beyond The Garden Gate. I thought bf stood for boyfriend, until I realized it meant best friend!

  3. That is really cute! I can't tell by the photo though-is it big or small? I do think it's copper and I love copper. Can't wait to see what all you got! Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!