Wednesday, October 13, 2010

this is something that my son posted on FB...

Craig  I have the odd approach in that no matter what I am doing or where I am at, God is always there listening to the simplest of prayers. Even if it's a just minute of me just thinking to myself, I know He is there watching, protecting and guiding me into what I need to do, and He is doing the same for everyone else that offers just a little bit of time to Him.

My son said that...
I'm proud...

Ps- It's sprinkling...
a few drops on the windows...


  1. Craig's right! He cares even about the little things. I always pray for the ability to get merged onto the ALWAYS works. Once in awhile, I have a car to dodge but usually it's totally clear for me to get on...even during the busy times! Hope you get rain. We haven't had any for about 3 wks. Prior to that we had lots but we're praying for it now. However when I was planting my bulbs I noticed my clay soil is still wet!!! Go figure!
    Hugs, Beth

  2. ~*~Wow Tete!!! You must be so proud of him!! Such a blessing~*~* Hugs, Rachel :)~*~*

  3. Oh Tete...that gave me such a boost to read that!
    Your son is amazing!

  4. I really like it myself. God gave him so much courage and a lot of love. You should be proud of him. Thanks for sharing and its made me feel good.
    Take care and thank you for the links.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!