Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Boy, did it rain...

we finally got some rain!...
everything is soaked down good...
it's been so long since we have had a thunder storm come through here...
there were tornadoes up north by Chicago...
but we are ok down here...
more stuff to do today...
tomorrow we start in on making stuff for Thursday...
need to find the Christmas cards so I can get those done after dinner while the guys are watching football...
we need to get the fridge cleaned out today so there's room for all the leftovers!...
the time is flying!


  1. See, Tete..I told you I was blowing rain your way! Glad you got it cuz I know you needed it. I need to clean my fridge out too. Hugs-Diana

  2. That is so funny Tete. I had to clean out the fridge yesterday too, like you said, to make room for the Thanksgiving goodies and leftovers. Thanks goodness for good neighbors. I am borrowing her refrigerator too. Have a fun and thankful day. xoxo
    P.S. I hope I don't forget to sign up for Pink Saturday.

  3. Send some rain this way and Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. It's the YUMMY time of year..LOL. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. I got to do the cards myself. I make my own and send to friends. Take care and hope everything is well.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!