Monday, November 15, 2010

I need your opinion...

what do you think of these photos...
and be brutally honest...
these were taken with Craig's girlfriend's camera...
these are all straight out of the camera with no touch ups at all...
I can see a major difference, but can you tell these from all of the others I have posted?...
not only do I think the pics are clearer...
but the colors are better...
just look at this one...
and here...
I shot some inside and some out...
so is it time to retire my old buddy?...
it's 10 years old...
and I have taken thousands of shots with this...
and it was a pretty good camera in it's day...
I am so torn...
I like comfortable...
I do not like change...
I do not toss things aside just because they are older...
so, if you would let me know what you think...
I would so appreciate it...


  1. Tete, The pictures look fine! I thought you were going to ask what to do with the chairs! LOL

    I hated to part with my old camera too. I think we were raised when you kept the same item forever and u hate to spend the money for something new. Sounds like a christmas present for u!!

    yes the picture in the header is my house! That was taken when I was on the house tour.

  2. Photos look great! I agree with Ann. More like a Christmas present indeed. Have fun with your new toy.
    Take care!

  3. Tete, Liked the pics I honestly can not tell the difference. The way I take a pic is the way it is straight out of the camera onto the blog. I didn't even know you could touch them up. I'm so serious!!!!but again I do not know alot about a computer if u look I cant even get my header on my blog page right. lol

  4. Tete, I think these pictures look great and I do see nice color. I honestly don't know they are different but if you think they are--you know. I know I would know my own pics like that. You love taking pictures and you are so good at it--if you are thinking it's time...go for it-you will love it :)

  5. Hi Tete...had to come over and catch up on your posts. I've been away for a few days, visiting the girls and their families.
    You are such a good picture taker..I don't see any difference in the quality of your photos.
    It's what YOU think that counts.
    Nice usual.

  6. I see nothing wrong with the pictures. All mine come right out of my digital point and shoot. I would not know what else to do. Sometimes change is hard.

  7. Tete, To be honest, i cannot tell the difference. I don't change my camera until it is totally out. I still miss my old camera until today.

  8. Hi Tete,
    I think your camera takes great photos! You are lucky that it has lasted so long! Our Cannon went kaput after about 8 years of use, at my nephew's wedding, of all places! We bought a new Cannon, which I really like, but I actually preferred the old one better! So, newer is not always better:)

  9. Tete, I'm a wee bit of a camera geek, I can see a little difference but not a lot. The girlfriends camera is maybe just a little bit more colorful and sharper. If you stick with the same brand and get yourself a new camera with a little more pixels I'll bet you'll get used to it in no time. If you stay with the same brand it will probably still feel familiar rather than switching brands. I've been using Canon for years and have no complaints. I don't like change either nor replacing something if the old one is still working but sometimes ya just gotta go with it. Good luck!
    By the way, I like the chairs!

  10. Well, Lord love ya, Tete- I can't tell a speck of difference. But then I tend to have a red eye in every picture I shoot! lol For is not so much the picture as what the picture represents. I love your photos because YOU have taken them and posted them because they mean something to YOU...and that's why I like them too.

    That being said, you know what YOU will be happy with and if you aren't satisfied with the pictures you take then you won't enjoy posting them as much. So...guess the ball is right back in your court!

    Good luck on your decision! Hugs-Diana

  11. HEY!!! >.< some of those photos i took!! and have them on my blog!! but anyhow i would keep your older camera as a spare just you think!! :)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!