Friday, November 26, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Craig took these while walking Moses...
the sun is melting the snow quickly...
and Moses doesn't seem to mind getting his toes cold...
Bebe, on the other hand, found mud...
and rolled in it...
and left muddy footprints all over the living room and kitchen...
so we were delayed with puppy baths...
and mopping...
thank goodness Craig caught hm before he rolled all over my bed...
yes, he was heading there...
these are still green...
but this happened in just the last hour...
nothing to do here but plug it in...
left the lights on it from last year and just set it in the front bedroom...
and it is going in the kitchen this year...
not sure if we will put ornaments on this or not...
and just a teeny glimpse of my PS post...
Craiger and I am taking a break and grabbing an afternoon snack...
DH had to work today...
he has never worked on the day after Thanksgiving before and since his work place is under new management...
they didn't have it worked out on the calendar that they were to get a 4 day weekend...
he was totally bummed!...
this is our deck the halls time...
and it's not the same without him...
no bad words lingering in the air!LOL...
we have Christmas music playing...
and later...
Craig is going to lick the envelopes on the Christmas cards!
it's not abuse!...
he likes it...
he pouted when the USPS started making self stick stamps...
so it's off to munching!...


  1. Awww, I'm sorry your honey is working today Tete. Mine is we will be decorating later this year..cause he works the whole weekend!!!ugh.
    Looks like you are getting a few things started tho.

  2. Hi Tete- Yep! Not only was the hubster working today- I was too. Just got home and it is cold and windy and I am coughing up a storm. I never get anything and here I am hacking away like I have a fur ball in my throat. Maybe I should shampoo my hair instead of licking the ends clean? ( KNOW I am kidding).

    I am not going to be able to do much of anything until later in the week. I just feel like Christmas is springing up on my this year!

    Have fun decorating when the Mr gets home! hugs-Diana

  3. Wish i could have been there today,..heard craig was sick,.. not to sound mean but serves him right for walking outside last night barefoot! LOL :)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!