Monday, November 29, 2010

middle of the night photo shoot..

morning, ladies...
it was sure a busy week last week...
and the time flew by...
my nativity...
a little red bird...
I have been busy this morning...
going from one thing to another...
but I need a nap...
didn't get much sleep last night...
these shots all of the mantle in the kitchen...
and this is the tree in the living room...
my guys...
especially my DH...
loves colored lights...
and no theme trees for in here...
this is a family tree...
and it represents our lives together...
we add new ornaments every year...
but some of these have been with us since we were first together...
when we were first married...
and money was tighter than it is now...
all the Christmas stuff was bought the day after Christmas on the 50-75% racks...
can you believe that someone gave this tree away?...
it has a cast iron base with hearts in it...
it's 8 foot tall...
crazy cooters...
I'm glad they did...
we gave it a home...
and a new tradition begins...
happy day to you!


  1. Love my decorations the most and night, love the lights and how they make things shine so bright!

  2. Crazy Cooters indeed! Love all your Christmas stuff, Tete...and the nighttime pictures are wonderful! Although that DOES tell me that you couldn't sleep...and I feel bad about that! hugs-Diana

  3. Wow, your tree is amazing! Hard to believe someone wanted to get rid of it! Now you need to come and decorated my house! Today has been totally nuts trying to figure out my bog! I think my brain is numb! My friend Cindy Adkins helped me thru a "crisis" today (where I thought I'd lost everything on my blog!), and even designed my new header! So yes, I still need to change that background, but for now I need to give my poor little brain a rest! Thanks so much for your help!

  4. Hi Tete-Your tree is beautiful. I've missed you...slowly getting back into civilization. Thank you for being there for me last week and always....

  5. Hi Again, Tete
    Would you mind dropping me an e-mail? I lost your email address and am having major blogging problems! I thought everything was ok, but I just discovered that I can't click on anything on my blog! Like when I try and click on any of the blogs I follow, nothing happens. I click on my Etsy link, and that doesn't open! I am panicking! Any ideas would be Greatly Appreciated! Thanks!

  6. Tete, Your house looks beautiful! Will you come by and do mine? lol
    We are tired; we just got back from Houston - 16 hours each way - so the tree is still in its box.
    Thanks for sharing the Christmas story, Tete, and all of the tips you are giving on blogging. You are a sweetheart and you have helped a lot of people.
    Blessings, Beth

  7. It looks beautiful Tete. I do love colored lights too. I have two trees and both are white. I am really wanting a colored tree and might just get a small one at least for some color.

  8. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. Colored balls, twinkle lights, nutcrackers, and stars and little birds. Oh what a delightful, fun decorated home. How beautiful everything looks sweetie. I so wish I could be there to sit and share some hot chocolate and stories for at least a couple of hours or three.

    Thank you so much for sharing with me. I have so enjoyed this tour of your gorgeous home sweetie. It is almost as beautiful as you. I have to tell you tho, YOU are JUST DROP DEAD GORGEOUS, so you are going to have to go some to beat that. I see your smile throughout the home as we walk through.

    Have a gorgeous Tuesday sweetie. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  9. Lovely decors. Hope everybody's okay. Take care of yourself.

  10. Very beautiful and memorial Christmas tree you have. Beautiful post.

  11. Tete....... Sure have missed you. Love all your decorations especially your beautiful tree. You decorate your tree just like me, No theme here either. I also like colored lights on my tree and in my home, makes it more festive and warm!! But I have switched over to all clear lights. Dont know why!!!! lol and my ornaments just like yours all have special meaning. Some have been with me and on my tree every year from the first christmas we were married. I still put a big bird ornament on it from when Allyson was 2 years old. It still has a special place in my heart.So like you I love my tree and thats what this season is all about...... Friends, family, and Warm Feeling's from the heart!!!! (and Jesus Birthday) Can't wait to see more. It all looks so comy and cozy. Hope you have a great day.

  12. Fantastic collection. Your night photos are wonderful.

    Goldenray Yorkies


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!