Sunday, November 7, 2010

Monday Music Time!

This week...
 Paul Simon...
and my "national anthem"...
so to speak...
maybe it's his fault I shoot so much...

I also loved the harmony of Simon & Garfunkle...
are you singing along yet?...
this song does that to you...
Join Up With Nancy to play along...


  1. I so remember this song. I always loved Paul and Art together. They were amazing. Where has time gone? When did the youth I once had disappear? Songs like this transport me back to an easier, softer time of life. Hugs- Diana

  2. TEte.
    thanks for playing along. I love Simon and Garfunkle's music. They did a lot of great songs together. As you know that one sister of mine that I wrote about? Well, she is one their biggest fan.. I sang in girl chorus in high school. "Bridge OVer Trouble Water".
    I almost pick that song for my challenge.
    I did saw Paul Simon in concert with my other sister. He put on a great show.
    Take care!

  3. Oh, I love that song too. Brings back good memories. I'm bouncin' in my chair!

  4. What fun. Loved them a long time ago and love them now.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!