Friday, November 5, 2010

Sunny and nippy...

another fall day...
one that bites your little nose and the tips of your ears...
high of 42 and a low tonight of 23...
we got 50 tulips bulbs to get in the ground this weekend...
if we can get holes dug...
and 30 new crocus that will smile at me in the early spring...
that's 5 months away...
oh, does that stink or what?...
still at 2 inches of rain since Aug 1st...
it's gotta start raining sometime...
we got a trace yesterday...
couldn't even measure it...
but we did get the rainbow...
Craig got me up at 3am with a severe sinus headache...
been taking Zyrtec...
dried it up real good...
too good...
it was all stuck up in there and he hurt so bad...
hot packs and massages...
push fluids...
it finally went away, but he missed his classes today...
he's nappin' again on the couch...
we have been up and down all day...
hope we can sleep tonight...
that should do for my rantings for today...
big plans for the weekend...
taking back the kitchen from all the junk that just appeared out of no where...


  1. Hi Tete, Maybe the rainbow is a sign of better days to come:-)) Hope you have a good weekend and some rain! The lawn is still so green even without rain!!

  2. Hey Tete- I'm sorry your boy had such bad sinus problems. You just feel helpless when someone is in pain, don't you? I hope you get some rain soon, too. It is going to be hard digging to plant those bulbs with it being so dry. Hugs..and I hope you get some sleep tonight- Diana

  3. Hi Tete, sorry about Craig's sinus problems. The weather has really been unkind to those of us suffering from sinus issues. I'm working with Zicam and would like to share with you a coupon for $2 off Zicam Intense Sinus Relief Nasal Gel. Visit for the coupon. Hope Craig gets better soon!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!