Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving time...

doesn't this remind you of school days and family gathering...
we drove through the snow...
and in Ohio...
there were many years we had snow for Thanksgiving...
most of them were snow covered...
and we went to my grandparents for dinner...
over the hills and through the woods...
because for a time...
we lived in a different town...
and we would always sing that song in school right before gobble day...
and we traced our hands and made the most wonderful turkeys to take home to mom...

but time moved on...
and I took my kids over the river and through the woods to my grandparents home...
and sometimes, other family members were with us...
but soon...
time moved on...
and they were gone...
one by one...
and the chairs became fewer around the table...
and this year there will be four for dinner...
just our family...
small, but together...
and this will be the first Thanksgiving for just the four of us...
and it could be the only one that there are only four of us...
because time moves on...
someone may not be here next year...
or there may be someone new...
a new daughter in law...
even a new child...
you never know...
we are going to have a grand time...
just the four of us...
and the boys are going to be cooking...
and they can do it well..
I will step in every now and then...
but they have already told me they are doing it...
I get the day off....
we are doing ham...
they are not big fans of turkey...
and all the trimmings...
and hopefully...
leftovers for several days...
but I doubt it...
and we will remember this time...
until there is no time left...
and when the boys move on and have families of their own...
they will look back and say remember the time?...
when the dish washer broke down?...
and mom made us do the hokey pokey?...
and we did the cooking?...
and their kids will drive over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house...
because time will keep moving on...
I may not get to blog much this next week until this is all over...
Craig is off for 9 days and we have much to catch up on...
so I wanted to wish you all...
and blogging will get back to normal after it's done...
because time moves on...
Hugs- Tete


  1. Tete,

    Well said! I was thinking today, I see these christmas movies and ads with the family all together. Oh how I wish I could walk into my childhood home and find my mom in the kitchen with her all dressed up with her apron on and the smell of all the things she cooked.

    As you said, as time went by we dwelled down in numbers until now it is my husband, my brother and sister in law. But I am so thankful I have them. But if I want a crowd I can go to my husband family, since I have known them they have only had 1 loss in the 14 yrs.

    One thing I am thankful for is my new found Tete. I enjoy you so!

  2. ps the picture looks like the family farm of my great grandparents in Ashmore!!

  3. Lovely post. I remember we got snow for Thanksgivings. As my nieces and nephews were little, we pray its eiter nice out or snow on the ground. Either ways it'll keeps the kids busy while the grown-ups have a chance to chat with mom and dad. Now, they all are grown and some of them will be here and others have their G/f or b/f family to go to. My two eldest nieces are married maybe they'll be at in-laws.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    God bless you.

  4. Tete, you put into words something I've been pondering this last week. We used to spend Thanksgiving at my Grandparents and all my Aunts and Uncles and cousins were there. We had such a full house everyone couldn't sit down in the living room or even the two big tables. I have such wonderful memories of these special days. This year we will have 5 adults and 3 kids at my house. A much smaller number than we had when I was a kid but I bet it will get smaller before it gets bigger for us. Grandkids are a still a bit off. I am still so excited to have them coming here. My three nephews are my babies and they will keep us laughing. Looking forward to it.

    I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving with your four. I think it can be special no matter how many you have when you know that you are blessed. You know you are :) Happy Thanksgiving blog buddy.

  5. You have said in words exactly what I have felt in my heart. I sometimes miss that which was but also look forward to what is yet to be.

    God bless you and you boys and husband this Thanksgiving Day, Tete. You are a special woman...more than most will ever know, I think.

    Love to you, dear sweet soul- Diana

  6. A very thought provoking post. My dinner will be down to 4 adults and the two little ones. I used to have 8 or 9 at the table. Yes, time goes on and things are always changing.

  7. This is a very moving post, Tete. I know you will have a lovely Thanksgiving with your menfolk! My own family is small at the moment with both sets of parents gone, and no significant others in the picture. For Christmas, it will be my husband and I, our two grown sons, and my baby sister..20 years my junior..who moved in with us when she was four and is in effect, our daughter. We always have a good giggle, and enjoy lots of 'quality time' together, as my sis describes it! You have yourself a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great week...:)


  8. What a sweet, sweet post! I loved reading it.

  9. Morning Tete, I loved your post today, I can so relate! Yes, snow in OHIO for Thanksgiving, driving over the hills to Grandmas house and all the traditions that went with that time in our lives. Then I graduated from college and moved away and when I got married and had children my parents drove all the way to SC to have Thanksgiving with us and a new tradition was born. Now my dds are off to College in Ohio and since it is too far for them to come home, they have Thanksgiving with my Sister and her Hubby's family, a HUGE celebration. So this year it will be just Hubby and I and he is on call and has to work most of the day, sniff, sniff. BUT, I'm actually looking forward to it, I'm going to pull out the Christmas music, and set up my Christmas village and I'm still going to cook a big dinner for when he gets home and hopefully it will be before 8:00 PM! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Tete, just the four of you!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!