Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend sunshine...

everything got nipped last week...
lows in the 20s...
not too many left of these...
the birds are eating out...
I will just let you look around...
you've been here before...
the leaves are almost all down now...
Bebe enjoyed getting out and he walks with me...
the sun is going down a lot sooner these days...
makes for long nights and not much outdoors time...
you can see our shadow...
the fencing that we are going to tackle next year...
I want new posts and new 1x4s...
reusing the pickets...
now for some shadows...
and these are taking a rest...
I need to paint new heads...
out of 1xs...
we didn't get the bulbs in...
I'm going to let Doug do that when he comes...
these need dumped and the pumpkin tossed out by the field so the squirrels can get to it...
learned that on a blog post this weekend...
so there you go...
between some fresh air, sunshine and potato soup...
the weekend was a success...

1 comment:

  1. Yep-It's looking like pre-winter at your place. We take our pumpkins down to the wildlife sanctuary and dump them over the fence. The deer come right up to the fence and eat them. I'm waiting until after Thanksgiving to dump mine (hope they aren't frozen to the ground). Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!