Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where is everyone...???

it's lonely here in blogland when no one else comes out to play...
and I don't want to hear any excuses...
not it's so nice outside, I couldn't sit at the computer all day...
or I have to work or I don't eat...
or there's more to life than blogging...
I am so freaking bored...
sure there are plenty of things to do...
but I don't want to do them...
thanks for letting me rant...
I feel better now...
now for the important stuff...
pic #1- morning light coming in the south living room window...
pic #2- north yard with the sun on the rise this morning...
pic #3- bitter sweet, Rebecca got it for me in the mall we are in...
she sent me a photo of something else that she thought I would like and I saw this...
so I told to grab me that instead...
you just can't find it around here anymore...
farmers have killed it all out...
when I was a kid, it grew everywhere...
we made wreaths out of it...
huge ones...
and there was always plenty to go around...
I wonder how many things have disappeared since our great grandmothers decorated their homes?...
we remember bitter sweet, but out kids may not...
and certainly not our grand kids...


  1. What?! There's more to life than blogging? Say it isn't so!! I just love your door with the hooks on it, so cool! And I adore the color! Oh, I've started an "Over Glitterers Anonymous" chapter here in Michigan. Maybe I should start a "Glitter-Phobics Anonymous" near you!!

  2. Hello......I am only home because we were not busy at work today (does someone not want a cardiac cath or pacemaker today)and I dont feel well so I got to go home.

    love getting bittersweet every year. the primitive goose in Arcola had tons...wreaths of it! There is a lady from greenup in her 90's the still climbs up and gets it out of the trees!

  3. ~*~* Beautiful photos Tete!!! Hope your day is going wonderful!Hugs,Rachel~*~*

  4. Sorry you're lonely! I really like your photos of the bittersweet and the pretty blue door. I tried to grow bittersweet once but my hubby thought it was a weed and pulled it! lol
    Blessings, Beth

  5. Hi Tete-I've been in a funk lately. Don't know what's wrong, but I just can't get inspired. Went back to my winter job which is on Mondays and Tuesdays, so that has something to do with. Plus I'm awaiting my new grandbaby who will be here on Dec. 14 (c-section).
    I'll get off my keister and do a post maybe tonight.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!