Sunday, November 21, 2010

works in progress...

here are 3 more wall hangers in progress...
they are in need of bling...
the 2 on the left are pop tart sides...
the one on the right is a Taco Bell take out box...
and this is an idea I'm playing with...
not sure how they will end up...
these are pringles lids...
the scanner works on flat things...
but I wish I could show you what else I have going...
while cleaning the bathroom this morning...
the little waste basket was so full of toilet paper rolls...
so I grabbed on and started gluing stuff on it and it looks good...
and my brain is going 90 mph trying to come up with an idea for it...
so now I'm looking around the house and in the trash to see what else we have been tossing that I could do something with...

nothing vintage was harmed in any process
only photo images were used


  1. So cute Tete!! You are working up a storm. Love the disclaimer :)

  2. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Hmmmm...toilet paper rolls...I am thinking turrets for a castle! Hugs- Diana

  3. I love your creations, Tete! I especially love how you are recycling something that might have otherwise gotten tossed out. I bet if your hubby stands still for long enough, you just might start gluing embellishments on him!!

  4. You Go Girl ~ Keep up the Creative Spark... Now I can't wait to see what you do with tp roll..... I am off to go thru More STUFF!

  5. My goodness, the loveliness you create, amazing! I admit I too will trash bust when stash busting doesn't give me what I want. My family is used to this, trust me! Lovely lovely vintage style designs, so pretty. Bless you!

  6. happy I found your blog! I just love to see what you create!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!