Sunday, December 12, 2010

BRRRR Baby...

this was this morning...
they were calling for 4-8 inches of white stuff...
but they called that off and are saying only an inch now...
but it's dry snow...
and we are going to have 40 mph winds...
we are flat with no wind blocks...
we will have a white out...
those are most fun...
it's like a blizzard and bad fog all in one...
you can't see anything at all...
we have to wear sunglasses...
it's too bright...
we count telephone poles...
you get disoriented in it very quickly...
so we are inside...
eating sloppy joes...
football is on...
I will post more photos when it really gets to blowing out there!
stay warm and cozy today...
tomorrow will come soon enough!


  1. We've got blizzard conditions here today. I wish I could just watch it from inside, but we're taking our daughter out to eat for her birthday, and then we're going to visit my Mom. It's very pretty, but I hope we don't get blown away!

  2. Yum, Sloppy Joe's sound very good, but I did venture out to the store earlier, just in case, I bought Tuna, for Creamed tuna on Toast (Comfort Food for Me) My Gram & I always had that.... Sorry the coupon code didn't work, I will just "Surprise You"

    BTW ~ I didn't know that Dark Hair came with some Magical Powers, When I left this morning to go to the store, My Car was covered in about 2" of snow, I have NO idea where my snow brush for the car is, so I just started to use My arm to clear it ~ I have to park on the street were I am (residental side street) I see a car that is coming down the block & when it gets to me, it stops & a Nice man gets out of the car & says, Let me do that for you Mam (Now I was Not crazy about the Mam part) but having something done for Me was Very Nice ~ I of course Thanked Him for his kindness & Wished him a Very Merry Christmas ~ I must say that in 54 Years, No one has Ever done that ~ He just stopped right in the middle of the road.... It made My Day ~ Now I am in for the day & night, the snow is suppose to be much worse tonight & tomorrow, so I will just Stay put & stay warm. I am also in the midst of Changing around furniture, so that will keep me busy ~ More Later Dear Friend

  3. That reminds me of that song "Baby, it's cold outside". Stay safe.

  4. Tete, sloppy Jo’s--YUMMY. That sounds like a great way to spend a day like this. Together with your beautiful decorations, football and good food :) Enjoy and stay safe.

  5. Tete- Those are awful conditions...when it is flat and blowing snow. We are at the tail end of a blizzard that dropped about 15 inches of snow here...and it is blowing like crazy. I think school will probably be canceled tomorrow. They canceled all the church services here today. If you want extra snow I can send you some! Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!