Friday, December 31, 2010

Counting down the last of 2010...

we're just hanging out...
we watched part of the Twilight Zone marathon...
one of my favorite old shows...
staying off the roads...
we were never big on going out on this night...
and we don't drink...
most of the time we are sleeping by midnight...
we are kind of boring...
how are you spending tonight?
years ago we used to go to a friend's house and play cards until midnight...
then she gave us grapes in one hand and pennies in the other...
we went out and lined the street with our backs to it...
at midnight, we ate the grapes and threw the pennies over our shoulder into the street...
it was supposed to bring prosperity in the new year...
whether it worked or not, it was fun...


  1. I'd probably eat the penny and throw the grape since I'd be so in bed already and I'm watching TV. We're real party animals but Happy New Year anyway.

  2. Well...MyHero is in bed and I have 3 little darlings that are watching Christmas movies here...and will probably stay up until midnight. Happy New Year to you, Tete...I adore you! Hugs- Diana

  3. Hi Tete, We had dinner with our neighbors and also watched some of the Twilight Zone marathon yesterday. In bed before 11 pm. Not feeling too good....I think I have a cold coming on. ugh! Happy Happy New Year my friend. xoxo Lynn


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!