Wednesday, December 15, 2010

the gift...

what do you see?
a box?
a present?
a surprise?
disappointment because you know what you wanted wouldn't fit in that little box?
what do you really see?

I see...
there is so much of it...
it's leaking through the seams...
can you see it now?
from one heart to another...
that kind of...
so what's in the box?
it doesn't really matter...
because LOVE is in the box...
because the gift came from the heart...

my mom always said...
it's the thought that counts...
and she was right...

I see the LOVE that someone took the time to find me something...
they were thinking of me when they were shopping...

they brought it home...
wrapped it up...
and put their heart inside...

just for me...

and I will be so careful when I open it...
careful not to break the heart that was given so freely...
and I will not take lightly the gift of that heart...
for I will protect it with everything I have in me...

because Christmas is about giving...
but it's also about receiving...
with the right heart...

God taught us about giving...
but also about receiving...
no matter how small the gift box...
the LOVE inside cannot be measured...
it can only be shared...
from one heart to another...
Merry Christmas!


  1. That was so sweet and a good reminder to everyone how they should react when they receive those special gifts Christmas morning. Have a wonderful day.

  2. So fitting Tete...a true Christmas message!

  3. Beautiful Post Tete.... Thanks for sharing My excitement on the Recipe Book, another thing I am sooooo excited about, I figured out how to Do My Own Blog Button to share for My Give-Away, which is going to start on Friday ~ with the Help of My Sweet Daughter of course! just have to gather the Vintage Loot! Stay Warm, it was a bit warmer here today, My Windshield Wipers actually Worked today.... That's a good thing!

  4. What a wonderful post reflecting some of your feelings and thoughts. Love it. Thanks for sharing and stpping by my place.

  5. That's the true meaning of Christmas. Love the ornaments and the bright red shiny one is gorgeous. Take care.

  6. PS
    Thank you for my birthday wish..

  7. Very lovely post, Tete.

  8. Oh Tete, what a wonderful post. You are so right, the love inside is so wonderful no matter the gift. :)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!