Saturday, December 25, 2010

Having a good day...

dinner was black angus rib eyes...
locally raised and butchered...
baked potatoes and a salad...
for the guys...
Craig likes his smothered in A1...
and lots of butter on the spud...
and mine...
it was so good to eat more than a few bites at a time!
and apple sauce with nutmeg, gently warmed up...
I am so full, I feel a nap coming on...
little angel boxes from Malachi and his parents...
there are 2 others around here, too...
a nutcracker and a little boy playing hockey...
my DH gave me this...
my BF, Rebecca, and I were talking on the phone last week about perfume...
and I was asking her, because she knows everything...
if they still sold Charlie...
I started wearing it in HIGH SCHOOL!
I haven't bought any in years...
don't go through it very fast at all...
and my DH was listening...
so he drove all over town last weekend trying to find it!
and he got me this beautiful card...
and he signed it...
but then in the back, he added this...
isn't he cool?
there's a reason why I have kept him all these years...
and he does say it enough...
he tells me many times everyday...

oh, my tummy...
there's cheesecake and blackberry pie...
and we are all too full to eat any of it!

1 comment:

  1. You sure have a keeper. Looks like you were cooking for guys...steak, baked went to friends and had lots of food, fun and friendship. Hope you;re on the mend and will have room for dessert. Take care.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!