Thursday, December 23, 2010


the sun is shining...
but it's still cold...
below freezing...
so I had Craiger go out and do pics this morning...
I may be getting older, but that part of my brain still works...
some more of the goodies in my basket from my friend...
and bookmark from her, too...
and some of the Christmas cards we have gotten...
notice how the number of cards goes down every year?
people just don't send cards like they used to...
and some of the people we always got cards from are gone now...
I remember my mom sending cards to so many and my grandma, too...
so I always did...
especially to friends and family so far away...
but now with the internet...
we talk every day if we want...
and it's not the special treat like it used to be years ago...
we were so anxious to have news from home...
who had new babies...
and of course, who had died...
and some of our relatives I only got to know through their cards...
because we lived so far away...
and then there was always the fruitcake that came from great aunt Nora...
who lived in Florida...
it always came in a pretty tin...
we were not a fruit cake eating bunch, so mom would take it to the nursing home...
but she always kept the tin...
the image of a fruit cake always puts a smile on my face...
I remember the look on my mom's face when she remembered her aunt Nora...
and mom would write her a nice long letter to go in her Christmas card to her...
and she always stuck our school pictures inside so she could see how we had grown over the year...

I am much better this morning...
last night was not fun...
my stomach settled down to where only the lower part was upset...
so what I ate settled pretty good...
we went to bed but I was up at midnight with a sinus headache...
so I hit the shower, took some cold medicine and went back to bed...
only to wake again with it worse than ever...
so I got up and grabbed the hair dryer and blew in on my face and head...
it really works!
and took some aspirin...
stayed up until after DH got up then went back to bed...
I slept until 10 am!
I feel like I have been drug through a knot hole backwards...
but I feel so much better today!
thank you for all your prayers and thoughts and kind words...
they helped more than you will ever know...
now to get caught up!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're on the other side of this illness and hope you will be able to enjoy Christmas. Even sick you write a beautiful post. Get better. Hugs to you and yours.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!