Monday, December 13, 2010

I think it's time to shake it up a little this morning...

go down and turn off the playlist 1st...
try this out...
while you look at these...
these were taken by my son's friend last night while at work...
those are FedEx trucks...
there were 150 people stranded last night just off of interstate 57...
the Red Cross had to establish emergency shelters...
a local church and the middle school housed those who didn't get a room at the local motels because they were full...
we only got 3 inches of snow...
but the wind is down to about 10 mph this morning...
it's clearing but cold...
and the temp is up to 1 now...
wind chill...
DH is taking Craig to town for his exams...
he is going to stay with a friend in the dorm until Wednesday when he is finally finished...
DH took today off for vacation...
my sympathies to those who got the whole 2 foot of snow out of this storm...
Wisconsin, upper Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York!
we are supposed to warm up all week and make it to a balmy 27 but Saturday!
hard telling when this stuff is going to melt...
I'm thinking March, maybe...
Just where is Al Gore when we need him?
In a snow bank if we're lucky...

I'm linking up with Nancy, who is buried again in NY!
so crank it up and dance around...
then go check her out...

It's Music Monday!


  1. Brrrrrr! We are getting that Alberta Clipper here, too! At least that's what the weather people are calling it! Hubby is going to be my chauffeur today, I hate driving in this stuff! Keep warm & snug!

  2. We're a balmy 37 degrees here in sunny Florida but I'm glad everyone found a place to stay. My husband is a retired mailman and he said those pictures were something else. Take care, stay safe and warm.

  3. Oh Tete-i've been seeing this mess on TV. I hope everyone stays's just awful. I like snow, but this is a bit much! Scary!!!
    Sorry I haven't been on the computer much. Tomorrow the baby comes!!!

  4. glad I was home in my pj's drinking hot chocolate with my cousins! bbbrrrrrrrrr

  5. Brrrr~ we're having 30 mph winds & the wind chill between -5 to -10 below....But Very Blue sky & Sunny, which is very odd for Michigan in the Winter, but maybe since it is Still Officially Fall, The Blue sky & sun fit in....

    Sorry your having so much trouble with My Etsy, I hope I'm not losing sales for some reason, that would really Stink! I checked & everything looks fine.... I don't have a bank account, so cash would be easiest for Me... I think I will try to venture to the Post Office tomorrow, too cold to go out & not sure if all the roads are plowed yet... I created more of a mess at my place yesterday when I decided to move furniture around, so I guess I should finish that up, can you believe it, I don't even have My Christmas tree Up Yet! well, stay Warm!
    talk soon

  6. Me Again ~ I won't write a Book this time... just wanted to let you know that I Deactivated the lot of bottle brush trees for Rebecca, didn't want someone to grab them, I will get everything all packaged up for You... More Later, I'm sure~

  7. Yup...we got blasted yesterday! and with no power, things weren't pretty. Still very windy and COLD today, but the sun is shining. It was so bad up here, Walmart closed!!!!!
    I actually love being snowed in with a blizzard going on outside. Northern Michiganders are crazy that way.
    Stay warm!

  8. Helllooo from frozen Wisconsin! We got over a foot of snow and winds that were unbelievable. We have lived here a long time and I don't remember a storm any worse than this one. We did not get plowed out until 11:30pm last night...40 hours after the storm started...and we are on what is considered a "main road".

    I went out with my daughter today but the roads were still miserable but I did get some shopping done.

    Stay safe and warm, Tete...and put your hat on your head and not in your pocket..(as I used to tell my children)..and if the snow is yellow- DON'T EAT IT! Hugs-Diana

  9. I'm Not quite buried anymore. We are in the freezing temps. Now is about 9○ degrees. We're suppose to be in the upper teens tomorrow and we didn't get much snow like we did last weekend. There are other areas around us, north, south and east of us are getting the snow.
    Thank you for playing along with me.
    Everyone is invited to play along. Your friends have all week to play.
    Stay warm!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!