Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking back...May 2010...

I was working on Christmas in May!
Daphne didn't like the sun shining in her eyes...
getting the garden area ready for tomatoes and green beans...
my son...
I am so proud...
this is what he learned in college...
green beans...
fresh strawberries...
well, that was May last year...
tomorrow will be June's turn to look back...


  1. Tete
    I love the year of reflection. Love all of the photos that you shared. Ummm I think my boys must be taking the same college courses. LOL Have a very Happy and Blessed New Year


  2. Hi Tete ~ I'm Loving the look back, those pics of Spring are making Me Hopeful ~ tomorrow it is suppose to be 48-50 here... then plummet on Monday, but I can hold out for April! I had such a wonderful time tonight, I even set My hair, I NEVER do that, since I have super straight hair & the curl only last for about an hour, but for My Guy, I wanted to look My Best! I told Ian that this is the Perfect gift anytime for Me.... Even McDonald's is a Treat, Just to spend One on One time with Him!
    I am heading to My daughter's tomorrow, they decided to go out for New Years, so I will be Bubbie Sitting... Wishing You the Happiest of New Years ~ I have lots to talk about, I lost your Email, can you send it to me, Again!

  3. I love all your photos from your year in review. I especially love your funny son. He is so cute. Spring will be here soon and I love visiting it early through your site. Have a happy and healthy New Year.

  4. What beautiful photos. The Iris are my faves. Gorgeous. Hard to beat May in the garden :)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!