Monday, December 6, 2010

old Christmas images...

remember making paper hats out of the newspaper?...
those were so much fun!
and just look at this victorian tree with Santa standing guard...
what a huge, misshapen tree...
it's bigger at the top than at the bottom...
did a really stupid thing this morning...
I threw out my back trying to blog...
yep I did...
just scooting the chair up to the desk and pop...
Craig got it back in and I went back to bed...
it's still in but so sore now...
we are in for a cold week, too...
nothing higher than 20's until Friday...
just hanging out waiting for one of the kids to show up...
have no clue who will make it here first...
and woo hoo!
this is Craig's last week of classes!
finals next week...
just 3 days of them...
he is excited and a little sad...
he has enjoyed doing his classes for the most part and told me this morning he is going to miss it a lot...
well, the dogs are wanting hugged, so better go...
have a great day and stay warm!


  1. Wow, I blog from the recliner but I probably need to move around you're feeling better. My 38 year old son is in RN school with one more year to. I know he's counting down the time. I'm sure Craig is glad it's over. The gasp reaction is because of your back. Take care.

  2. Sorry about your back. That's always a bummer when you want to get things done. My back is hurting tonight but it is from helping with the stall mucking when it's cold out! I don't have a back rubber but I have one of those "kneading fingers" machines that works quite well.

  3. Tete- HUGS to you- I am so sorry you have a sore back! That is ALL you need at this time of year.

    You see that tree that is bigger at the top? Yeah? Well, I think we had a couple of those when I was a kid! We cut our own in the woods and sometimes they didn't look all that great when we got them home. Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!