Tuesday, December 14, 2010

this morning's photos...

Rebecca found these birds for me at the Dollar General...
they go with the red ones on  the kitchen tree...
my gazing ball...
I am going to keep these out after Christmas...
love gazing balls and I am going to have them inside all the time...
I need to dust my balls!
swiffer time...
this poor tree...
I am going to try to wash it when we put everything up...
I have had it for some time and it's been stored everywhere and anywhere...
a few nutcrackers...
there are more to come...
I have had him for years...
a cookie jar...
victorian santa...
I made a snowflake...
crinkled shredded paper...
you get a whole bag for $1 at the Dollar Tree...
put your orders in with Rebecca...
she knows right where it is...
and the only shot of outside I am taking until global warming picks up the pace...
I do not take photos outside when I have to take the ice scraper and scrape the icicles off of my butt...
the windows are frosted over so I can't take any from there either...
but I am not past sending kids out in sub zero temps to fulfill my commitment to my blog..
they're young and they will get over it....
I was up most of the night...
not enough room in the bed...
Craig is at the dorm...
so they all decided to sleep with us...
if I am lucky...
I plan on sleeping the day away...
and look...
I was up and didn't change the background and header...
I had scrambled eggs for breakfast, but that was 3  hours ago...
so I am nabbin' a couple sugar cookies and a glass of milk...
and going to bed...


  1. Good Morning Tete Sweetie...
    Did I hear someone say sugar cookies? Oh I will bring a gallon of milk if you set out the cookies. Yummy for the tummy.

    Love all the decorating you have done. I love the Santa's, and those gazing balls are beautiful indoors. Love the red. Yep you know me, I am a sucker for red everything.

    80 here yesterday and we are expecting another gorgeous day today. In the upper 70s. Sorry sweetie I am not a big fan of the snow. The winters are so gorgeous here in the desert. I am sending you some virtual sunshine. Feel it, let it warm up those icicles on your butt sweetie. Love ya girl.

    Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  2. Hi Tete,
    Maybe your kids can take winter photos for my blog!! I was outside the other day, in the middle of our mini snow storm, trying to snap pictures of the birds at our feeders. Well, those birds just weren't coming around, and my little fingers were numb, so I finally gave up! What we bloggers won't do for the sake of a good picture!! Love your Santa cookie jar! Keep warm! What, same ol' blog background and header?!:)

  3. I love everything you showed except the snowy backyard. It is 27 degrees here in Florida and nobody seems to be prepared except the retirees from Michigan and Canada. They are the only smart ones. Loved your gazing balls but I couldn't have any of them up north cause the grands would be bowling with them...lol...Have a grand day and stay warm.

  4. BRRRR! LOl, Global Warming, glad you sent the kiddos out to take pics! All your decorations look great. Have a great day Tete!

  5. Dollar Tree...what would we do without it! When I am there in expect to see Rebecca!! Love your balls!
    Sleep tight dear friend!

  6. I say.....SEND THE KIDS OUT...They WILL get over it...anything in the name of Blogging! lol I love your old Santa..and those birds look like the ones from 60 years ago...amazing! Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!