Thursday, December 30, 2010

An update on my last post...

I agree we can and should worship God any and everywhere...but the Bible does say not to forsake the assembling of yourselves together for worship.

Angela left me this comment on my last post and I just wanted to finish my thought on the last post that I didn't explain well enough.
I had said that if your thing is church then that's fine...
and then I should have said...
but don't limit yourself to just that...
being a minister's kid and having an uncle and father in law that were ministers as well...
I learned that some of their "best work" didn't happen in a church building...
it was in hospital rooms, nursing homes, senior centers, around their kitchen tables or living rooms...
I have heard of many who do not have church buildings who take turns "hosting" church in their homes...
I have had some of my best worshipping time in parking lots, at work and even in the aisles of walmart or the grocery store!
look at where all the missionaries are having the best success...
under the shade of a tree...
we must gather...
but it can be anywhere...
this I understand more and more the longer I am home bound...
and we each have our own calling...
and bless the ones who do go out to the hospitals and nursing homes...
and into the homes of those who can't get out anymore...
it's been awhile since I could get out...
so for me...
I changed the phrase go to church...
to worship God...
because I have to take it where I can get it...
so where ever you worship...
it's good...
there is no wrong place to worship God...
and whatever your faith...
I have friends from all faiths...
and we will all walk the same streets in Heaven...
and we will not worship separately...
we will all be together...
with God...
so I didn't mean not to go to church...
just look at all the other options...

1 comment:

  1. So well said!! There is nothing so rewarding as worship whether alone, small group, or a large crowd of believers! I especially love to worship the Lord in song.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!