Friday, December 31, 2010

Vintage New Year Images...

another year...
is over...
as a new one begins...
and my wish for all of you...
is for health...
and love...
more good days than bad...
and another year...
of blogging with the best bunch of ladies on the planet!
May this be our year of growth in faith and countless blessings as we walk here below...
Happy New Year!

for more PINK...follow the link...
Thanks, Beverly, for hosting the party!


  1. Tete- I have no idea where you find all your images but I always love them all. I really need to save some of them for future reference and use. I have been choosing one each week (or so) and using it as my reminds me of you every time I open it! Happy New Year to you too...I am so glad to have met you here~ Hugs-Diana

  2. That was so sweet. Wishing you the same my friend.

  3. Happy New Year Tete to you and your family!!

  4. Beautiful Tete! Happy New Year to you and your family too :)

  5. Hey, is that glitter that I see on your header? Am I making a convert out of you?! Hope so!:) Love all of the wonderful images! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!

  6. You are truly a blessed friend in blogland
    Happy New Year to you too.

  7. What wonderful vintage postcards & images. Lovely New Year's wishes. I hope the same for you.

  8. I love all the vintage images. What a nice blog!
    And what nice thoughts.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday Tete Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh, the Banana Splits. That was one of my most favorite Saturday shows. I loved watching them.

    Oh Sweetie, everything looks so beautiful over here. You have been a very busy gal creating and searching for some gorgeous graphics.

    I love the snowman with the young man. Is that ever cute or what. He seems to be saying "and you think you are going to borrow what young man? I don't think so."

    I also adore the man in the moon and the little cherub changing the clock. That one just really tickles my fancy. Love it.

    Tete my friend, I have so enjoyed each and every journey with you Beyond the Garden Gate. You have shared so many wonderful pieces of your gorgeous home and each one has fit into that puzzle that makes your heart. I love it. Thank you for sharing with me, and allowing me to call you friend. You have made me heart "Happy" sweet friend. Many hugs and so much love for the New Year. Love, Sherry

  10. What wonderful New Year's greetings!

    Wishing you a blessed and happy New Year!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  11. Happy Pink New Year - love your beautiful blog.

    Hope 2011 brings you much happiness & joy!!

    Warmest regards,

  12. Great vintage imagines. The snowman looks like he has an attitude... Happy New Year

  13. I absolutely love your blog! Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful vintage images. Happy New Year and Happy Pink Saturday!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!