Sunday, December 26, 2010

What do you do in the middle of the night...when you can't sleep?

I grab my camera and walk around in the dark...
and do what I like to do...
and hope the flash doesn't wake any one up...
I did have a homemade filter on the flash, so it wasn't so bad...
this is our "family" gift this year...
DH is so excited...
he was reading the instructions and recipes yesterday afternoon...
of course relaying all the important information...
he is a mini muffin kind of a guy and I knew he would love this as soon as I saw it!
and I love mini cupcakes...
I hate making the big ones...
just too much to eat at one time...
but little ones, just a couple bites is enough for me...
and he found out he can do more than muffins!
WE can do mini brownie bites...
ok, now the dish washer is still down...
I wonder who will get to clean up the mess...
he just doesn't know it yet...
my new candle warmer...
and Doug's vintage rootbeer mugs in the background...
I need to get a jar candle to sit on here...
sugar cookie or just plain old vanilla?
for not having left overs from dinner...
this is sure full...
looks like a job for SUPER mom today...
I found Mr Wiggles napping in DH's recliner...
BF (Rebecca's) birthday present...
it was last week, I had gotten it on eBay and it came in...
and just waiting to be delivered or picked up...
her DH is here in town everyday, almost...
this is my favorite snowman...
he is holding hands with a little boy...
ornament on the tree...
pocket watch from 2000...
the time has flown...
it should have come with wings on it...
and DH's blackberry pie...
he thinks he finally got the right amount of corn starch this time...
no runny middle!
and oh my gosh!
I forgot to tell you!
with the mini cupcake maker...
you can make mini pies!
using canned biscuit dough rolled out...
a bottom...
spoon in filling...
put a top on and ta da...
mini pies!


  1. I know we're going to see lots of mini goodies on your's about all we would want too. It would be hard to walk past a plate full of them when they are snack size. I imagine you'll create more than what that little booklet offers. Have a wonderful day.

  2. that snowman with the little boy is adorable. Looks like you guys had a good day.

  3. Ok Tete, I am coming over right now for some mini brownie bites! They would go oh so well with my cup of coffee! What a fun present! Love all of your pretty ornaments. And your kittie is just so adorable:) Glad you had such a great day!

  4. I am sorry you have to wake up and not get back to sleep but the tour we get is wonderful. I love the snowman with the little boy, too....and the clock does need wings. This music on here this morning just lifts my heart, does coming here. God bless you and your family~ Diana

  5. Merry Christmas Tete Sweetie...
    Oh what a beautiful share. I love it when you don't sleep, I mean you make the most beautiful posts for us to read. (Not that I don't want you to sleep) with my neuropathy I know exactly how you feel. I don't sleep a lot at night either with my feet and legs, just goes with the territory of diabetes. Funny how I can focus the most on my blog when they wake me up hurting.

    I can't wait to see what comes from that little cupcake baker. I imagine it is going to be sinful. Pies too? Wow that is amazing.

    The little snowman with the little boy is the most magical of all. Did we not all at one time dance with the snowmen we made as kids and imagine they would come to life as Frosty did in the movies? How precious.

    Of course I loved seeing Mr. Wiggles. He appears to be giving you a little chewing out for disturbing his rest after the busy Christmas day. Just darling sweet Tete, just darling.

    Thank you for taking me Beyond the Garden gate. I so enjoyed myself as always.

    Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  6. Hey Tete, I Love the middle of the night photos... they have a soft glow about them ~ A Mini Cupcake maker, that sounds amazing & I would really like it if it made Little Pies, I like pie more than cake & with Just me here at home, I hate Have to eat the entire Pie Myself.... Glad you had a Wonderful Day, I had a Fabulous Christmas too ~ Now for a week of fun things planned & then to start Thinking about the New Year ! I am Believing it is Going to be a Great One! ! ! ! xox

  7. Great shots! I also love your snow pictures! Especially the ones of the puppies playing, that is what pure unadulterated joy looks like hehe. Have a great week Tete!

  8. Oh and let us know how that cupcake maker works out. I saw those in the store today and was tempted :)

  9. Hello! I have never gotten up and thought to take pictures - how wonderful! Looking forward to all your 'mini' goodies,

  10. What were you doing in the middle of the night? I sleep..Ha! Merry Christmas.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!