Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday morning happenings...I got mail!

look what the postman brought...
count them...
from blogging buddies!
the first one was a sweet thank you card from Debbie @ lakehouse...
she is such a blessing to know...
and I was so tickled that she was happy with the prayer warrior button I made and that so many of you displayed on your blogs for her...
I usually would rather ask someone if it is ok to do things like that for them...
but it all happened so fast and I knew I couldn't get a hold of her, so I did it anyway, hoping it would be ok...
and then I got this from Shirley...
from sweet romantic notions...
she's on my sidebar...
a little gift just because...
those are the bestest kind...
even the back of the card is beautiful...
and inside all of this was tucked in neatly and tied with a ribbon...
she had been at a card show and saw this little valentine and it spoke to her...
she said she had seen plenty of Easter cards with lambs, but never a valentine...
and she knew it had to live here with me...
because she had read my post about my sister, Kathy...
who has a little lamb sitting atop of her stone...
and that I collect sweet little lambs in her memory...
now, how cool is that?..
it can only happen in blogland that someone would remember a little thing like that while they are out antique hunting...
it really touched my heart...
I am going to find a frame and put it under glass, with Shirley's card...
and place it with my lambs from Cheryl...
thank you so much, girlfriends, for thinking of me...
you made my day for sure!
I'm going to be smiling all over the place all weekend!
sure makes up for that stupid magazine yesterday and then some!
I am so over my cranky mood!
Love you guys!
and as those beautiful things were coming into my home and my heart...
this was leaving...
I said you can't leave without me getting a pic!
so he smiled for me a little and then went back...
for his laundry basket!
and I signed wait a minute!
turn around!
he got tickled because he knew I was blogging him...
my son came to see me so he could do his laundry!
he came yesterday and spent the night...
we had a good time and got caught up...
my new dish towels, dish rags and oven mitts came yesterday...
so I sent him home with the old ones and a few groceries, too...
cause that's what momma's do...
the first thing I holler at all the boys, mine and their friends, neighbor kids, don't matter...
are you hungry?
as soon as they walk in the door...
we've fed them all...
I even fed the football team for 2 years before the games on Monday nights...
but that's another story...
so I will leave you with this for now...
Craig and I need to grab some lunch and then more house work...
you all have a fun day!
hugs- Tete


  1. What a beautiful share...and what wonderful friends you have made in blogland. I have to tell you that now every time I see a lamb I think of you too! Amazing connections we all have,huh?

    Love your picture of your boy! Gotta feed those boys...and send food home with them. I even do it for my married boy..cuz I love his wife and she doesn't mind.

    Have a lovely rest of Friday...and enjoy your lunch~ Hugs-Diana

  2. Dear Tete,
    Some times someone enters your life in a way you wouldnt expect them to! When I found your blog it was so well done that I started to read old post's..I'm so happy we have that option! Your post about Kathy touched my heart that day. And I never forget something that touches my heart! It stays there forever!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!