Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good afternoon...

another frosted morning here...
DH had to put the stickers on two vehicles this morning...
our license plates are $99 each now...
Illinois is so broke, they are raising the cost of everything!
here is the sun!...
after days of gloom, it finally popped out again...
look at all the critter tracks...
this is melted off...
see the fog in the background...
this old burn barrel has not been used in years...
well, not for burning...
it's the favorite potty area for the dogs...
but I think this needs to go this spring...
it's time to take the yard back and clean up a bunch of stuff!
and another postcard in the mail this morning...
snagged it on ebay...
so that gives me 2 really cool embossed Easter PCs this year...
and it was unused!...
but sometimes I like the ones written on...
it's kind of like peeking into someone's life...
someone who is probably long gone...
but their love still remains in pen and ink...
DH is shopping now...
he was delayed...
he had pulled into the Walmart parking area and decided to get gas first...
and before he could finish...
everyone came running out of the store, jumped in their cars and left...
police cars, a fire truck and an ambulance were on the scene- bomb threat...
so he went to the Dollar store...
then to the hardware store to pick up a new filter for the humidifier...
and then I called Wally World and no one answered so he headed to the next town to another Walmart to get our basics this week...
then he will come back through Charleston to get pizza at Papa John's...
and my Chalupa at Taco Bell...
then, a quick stop at the deli in Ashmore and then back home...
so we can have LUPPER...
Hawaiian BBQ Chicken...
the best of the best!
so, what ya doing?
hope it's not as exciting as a bomb scare...
or being on the road 50 plus miles just to shop at Wally World...
and I must report we have a balmy 34 out and with the sun...
there be slush...
just wish it was the slush before spring...
still got 50 more days...


  1. Dear Tete,
    Good thing your hubby wanted to fill up the auto first. Saved ya from running out of the store.
    I havent seen an old burning barrel like that in I dont know how long! My to-do list for spring is really growing. Along with the list for inside..
    Have a great day

  2. Thank goodness it was just a scare--you never know these days. I love the post card. We have slush, slush and more slush--and some mud mixed in--lovely times :) LOL

  3. You always find such interesting things to share. I trust you will soon have warm, sunny days again. It does not matter where you live, these days everything is too expensive.

  4. Bomb scare! Wow. I hope your man is fine. Not long away spring will come, meanwhile keep yourself warm Tete!

  5. Your frosty pictures are so beautiful! I wish we'd get a little snow here in San Antonio. (I've heard it can happen on a very rare occasion).
    Good thing DH didn't go into the store. How scary!!
    Really enjoyed your post.
    Patricia :o)

  6. Which walmart?? I heard 2 clerks talking about something in Charleston when I was there?
    If you want more embossed postcards my friend Duska at Persimmon Lane has about 10 of them for sale!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!